School Rules & Regulation

Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help the child progress and paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, discipline and by taking interest in their work. They should check the almanac of their ward daily and note the homework and any other instructions given. They are advised to check their bag to see if any circular/notice has been sent.

  • Every student should carry his/her ALMANAC and IDENTITY CARD to the school every day.
  • Parent's are requested to fill all the required details and paste student's photograph.
  • On the loss of an Identity Card/ School Almanac, the child would be issued another one on payment of a ?ne.
  • Every student should have two Identity Cards with his/ her photograph. One has to be worn by the child daily and other to be kept with the parents. Those who are coming to pick up the student from the school / bus stop must always bring the School Identity Card for identification.
  • Students should reach school by 8:00am sharp. Timings should be strictly followed.
    Late comers will not be permitted.
  • Student should submit an application for leave before availing it. The name of the student will be struck off the rolls if he/she is absent for 6 days without any information (Class IX onwards).
  • The students of class X and XII must have at least 75% attendance in order to appear in Board Examination as per CBSE rule.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. No colour except the colour prescribed by the school should be used for hair bands, clips etc.
  • The school uniform must be worn on all working days including P.T.Ms and school events.
  • Girls should not apply nail polish or mehndi during the school session. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week. Non-Sikh boys should get their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
  • Parents and guardian must not visit their ward in school without any prior appointment.
  • No expensive items (including any electronic device) should be brought to school.
  • Children, when sick should not be sent to school.
  • Shouting, loud talking or whistling is not allowed in school.
  • Language of communication in school is English. All students will be required to adhere to this.
    Parents are also expected to help students improve their conversational skills and provide a conducive environment at home.
  • The school insists on the following measures to be observed by the students: Care must be taken in order to maintain clean and green surroundings. School premises should not be littered with disposable tumblers, papers or polythene bags. Avoid use of polythene bags.
  • The school reserves the right to suspend / expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
  • A record of worksheets and circulars must be maintained at Home.
  • Parents should make sure to acknowledge all circulars and mails sent by the school time to time and con?rm receiving of all circulars by putting in their signatures.
  • School is in direct contact with its parents through the online portal. You will be required to visit the school portal daily for all types of updates. Going paperless, all the circulars, assignments etc. will be provided in soft copy through portal.
  • For security reasons, no packets/ water bottle / tif?n will be taken at the gate for delivering to your ward.
  • Appointment with dentists / doctors or others should, as far as possible, be avoided during school hours. Such requests for early leave will not be entertained.
  • You are requested not to send the child to school on the day of any social engagement or medical appointment.
  • Parents of all students should visit the school on PTM to note the progress of their ward.