
All great ideas begin with the commitment to future

Today's children are the true crusaders of the future. But during their crucial school years they are surrounded by many stresses and pressures. It can be the stress of examination, pressure of competitions and burden of expectations. In the hot pursuit of excellence in all walks of life and to move with the fast pace of the world, the true purpose of education 'LEARN TO LIVE' is lost somewhere,

We at Mother Divine family believe that education is not about moulding children in a particular pattern, rather it is about discovering their enormous potential and providing them opportunities to groom their personalities

M.D.P.S. family are constantly working towards the achievement of twin goals i.e. to provide academic and well as holistic development to equip the child to take on the world with confidence and blaze through the life independently.

Arise, Awake & Stop not till the Goal is Reached ” - Swami Vivekanand

Here I would like to point out that success is merely the result. It is excellence that creates success and it is a process of continual improvement. In this regard modern and latest teaching techniques, discipline through examples and encouragement, excellent facilities for co-circular and sporting activities are provided in order to make the school an ideal platform for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth of the pupils.

Mahipal Budhraja
Mother Divine Public School