News Detail

Title : Circular for Donation


Dear Parents,

Let there be pleasure in giving others pleasure, Sheer happiness, beyond all one might measure ,It is in giving that we receive Only then eternal peace is achieved’


Dear Parent

The School has always believed in instilling values such as empathy, sensitivity and generosity in our students. It always tried to make them socially responsible citizens too. It always worked on the philosophy that “The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away” & tried to inculcate the same in students as well. Considering the same, the school has begun a mission “Joy of Giving” where it invites its copartners i.e. our parents to motivate their kids to donate their old School uniforms and Old book sets to the needy. Let’s join our hands in this noble endeavor to make our students a reason of someone smile. Our one little step accompanied by your utmost support will make yourself a true role model for them whose foot prints they can imitate and abide always to be successful in life.


We request you to kindly submit the uniform and book set duly packed and labeled in separate packet stating the age/standard with which it belongs and hand it over to the designated teacher Ms. Shalu on the counter between 25.03.2021 & 26.03.2021.


We would like to capture this moment and share your Nobel gesture on School website as well so we request you to take an initiative and make this mission a successful one.




Download | Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 24 Mar 2021