News Detail

Title : Circular for Summer Vacation (LKG to VIII)

Dear Parents,
The sudden outbreak of Covid 19 has mesmerized the whole Nation. The lockdown announced by the government proved helpful but everything has come to a halt except the desire to teach and curiosity to learn. The turbulence in our lives due to this pandemic could not affect the mission of the school which commits itself in the service of the mankind and shaping the growth of responsible citizens for tomorrow. The teaching fraternity has risen to the cause and has shown exemplary resilience in contributing to the welfare of the children by bringing learning at the doorstep of every child through Virtual Platform.
The school appreciate your good self also as you have proven to be the best partners in our endeavor of effective academic transition. Most of the parents have complimented the efforts by providing necessary widget, quality time & conducive environment to materialize our vision of effective teaching learning process. The school is really grateful to the Parents for this gesture as well.
It is now time for some renewal and raising our inner health to move to the next level of learning. The school announces its Summer Vacation for the Grades LKG to VIII from 01st June 2020 to 30th June 2020. The school will reopen for online formal Teaching Classes from 01st July 2020 (Subject to Government Guidelines)
Please Note:
Holidays’ Homework has specifically been designed considering every parameter of lockdown and reduced by following integrated subject approach to streamline the number of projects/models etc. The same will be uploaded on School website on/after 31st May 2020.
The school believes that in the absence of outdoor fun for our little aspirants, confining them to four walls of house is the biggest challenge for parents. So to furnish recreational exposure of learning to our students and keep the mind & energy of students channelized the school is coming up with E – Summer Camp for Grades LKG to VI. The commencement date & details will be forwarded & uploaded shortly.
Please keep on checking the School website for regular updates and detailed information.
Wish you all a happy family life & experience. Time never comes back , It only leaves memories to cherish so enjoy every moment of being together .
Stay Home, Keep everyone Safe!


Download | Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 29 May 2020