Intra School Events Detail

Title : Debate Competition (English Club Activity)

Debate competition  
16 May 2020
It is better to debate without settling a question than to settle a question without debating it
With a purpose to channelise students energy  in giving vent to their views and ideas, English club conducted online debate for the students of class IX to XII on 16thMay 2020. The topic of the debate was surveillance is  good for society.
Forty one students participated  in this event with an amazing spirit. The Academic Head Mr A K Bakshi's  presence boosted the morale of the students. He applauded the students for their exuberance and  wonderful spirit. Event was an enriching experience for everyone.
Best entries of Debate 
Om Mishra  IX C
Keshav Sharma IX C
Ryan Arora IX A
Komal Puri IX  B
Tashu Jain I X D
Chirag IX A
Khushi Sharma X C
Kritika Tanwar X C
Aishna Jain X C
Raghav X A
Pravachan Jain X A
Amani Bhatia X B
Priyanshi Arora XII C

Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 16 May 2020