News Detail

Title : Corona Virus Advisory


SECTOR-3 ROHINI, DELHI-110085  Ph.: 43001772




F.No.MDPS/SS/2019-20/508                                                                                                   Date: 11.02.2020



Dear Parent,

The school strives hard to achieve the all-round development of the students. It is always committed towards good health, sanitation and clean environment so that the goal of holistic growth materializes for the students. As a caring mentor, we share the apprehension about the recently reported outbreak of the Coronavirus leading to global concern. While the authorities around the world are closely monitoring the outbreak, the responsibility to keep ourselves and our children safe from the prevailing problem rests with us.

We are sharing some information and guidelines from the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), GOI to to help us calmly cope up with the current situation that we stand in the midst of.

Information about the Coronavirus:

  • The human to human spread is through respiratory route due to close contact with infected patients and droplet spread.
  • Symptoms include repeated high fever, Prolonged coughing after fever, sore throat & headache.
  • The incubation period is likely to be 2-10 days from contact and an individual may be contagious prior to any symptoms.

Guidelines and precautions:

  • Avoid crowded public places and close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness or may have traveled to affected regions recently
  • Wash hands with soap for at least 20-30 seconds very frequently and maintain good personal hygiene.
  • Use a mask in case of respiratory symptoms such as a cough or running nose. In any case please do note that masks do not guarantee prevention of the spread of corona virus, neither is an alternative to quarantine.
  • Avoid consumption of raw and undercooked meats
  • Seek immediate medical attention if you are feeling unwell.


To instill the values of personal commitment towards a healthier society, students are also given awareness sessions for prevention. We would request the parents to take measures to prevent the disease and not to send students with any flu-like symptoms. Any child found unwell will be sent home immediately.

Our one step complimented by your support will definitely make our vision of healthy tomorrow for our kids real.


Note: The school premises are being continually sanitized and disinfected. We will be closely monitoring the Directives from the Indian government and will be honoring the instructions from the authorities. Till now no case has been reported in the vicinity and the main precautions to take is to maintain a clean environment. So let’s pledge to make a better tomorrow for our kids by keeping the society safe and clean for them.




Download | Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 11 Feb 2020