Workshops/Seminars Detail

Title : Managing Naughty Children & Concerned Parents!

Topic- Managing Naughty Children & Concerned Parents!

Date- 5th November, 2019

Day- Tuesday

Venue- PCTI, Pitampura

Time- 10:00 am to 12:45 pm


It was a good experience, being a part of the session. The workshop was about Dealing Constructively with Naughty Children and managing concerned parents. Sometimes, we ignore the activities of the kids and cover it under one blanket label of "Naughty", whereas maybe we are ignoring the special needs of the child. And of course sometimes, children do act naughty because of many reasons. It focused on mainly identifying the situation when naughtiness of the child is beyond the optimum range, also different techniques of dealing with such children. There are different ways of handling different individuals, and for that it is important to understand the student. Also the techniques will be different for handling primary kids and senior kids. Some techniques discussed in the session were:

  • Stop the Action and look for positive intent!
  • Creating structure!
  • Educate!
  • Setting Clear Verbal limits!
  • Setting Physical limits!
  • Natural Consequences!
  • Providing Choices!
  • Active Listening!
  • Sports casting Technique!
  • Time- Out technique!
  • Redirecting the Action!

Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 06 Nov 2019