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SECTOR-3 ROHINI, DELHI-110085  Ph.: 43001772




F.No.MDPS/SS/2019-20/149                                                                                                          Date: 26.07.19


Note for the Appraisal


Dear Parent


In ‘Mother Divine Public School’ it is always appreciated to take opinions of the parents on the sensitive issues pertaining to the quality education, safety and security of the students of the school. The ultimate objective is to ensure that the students of the school should be responsible and alert future citizens to steer the society with dedication and commitment. The use of technology in communication and other walks of life is an advantage to the student of the day. However at times, these electronic gadgets become nuisance and great hindrance in the growth of the student.


To check these impediments and retarding forces, the school has always discouraged students (infact the staff members too), for using the mobile phones during school working hours. The use of mobile phones not only misconstrue the school system, but the additional features of the mobiles could bring an alarming situations for the users also.


Inspite of repeated instructions, reminders and notices delivered on the issue, it has been observed that some students still bring “Mobile Phones” in the school; which is an evident case of defiance of the school norms. This is for the information of all concerned that henceforth if a student is apprehended with a mobile (whether in use or not is use), the mobile will be confiscated by the school authorities. This mobile shall be returned only to the parents of the student after charging a fine of Rs. 500 (Five Hundred only).


In case, the mobile is not claimed by the parents within seven days of its forfeiting. The school will not be responsible for its loss/damage or any kind of likewise deformity. Thus the holder of the mobile or the parents will lose their stake on the mobile.


The school understands the urgency and emergency events. In case of any special circumstances, the student is allowed to bring ‘Mobile’ to school. In such situations, the student is supposed to deposit his/her mobile to the class teacher in zero period and may get back after the final school bell.


Once again, the school requests to the parents to support the school authorities to check the menace of misuse of mobile phones. It is important that our students should learn to respect the legal code. Our joint efforts will make them law abiding citizens.

| Posted By : Mother Divine School | Date : 26 Jul 2019